
Prof. Jozef Banas

In 1985, for a month and a half, he was a visiting professor at the Andean University in Merida (Venezuela). In the years 1991-2016 he was the head of the Department of Mathematics at the Rzeszów University of Technology. In the years 2016-2020, he was the head of the Department of Nonlinear Analysis at this university. In the years 2001-2014, he worked as a visiting full professor at the State Higher School of Technology and Economics (former name: State Higher Vocational School) in Jarosław. In the years 2007-2013 he was the head of the Inter-Institute Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at this university. For many years, he has been a member of the faculty council and various committees within the departments that included the Department of Mathematics (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics, Faculty of Management and Marketing and currently the Faculty of Mathematics and Applied Physics).